NYSTA begins Apprenticeship outreach at New York FFA Convention

In early May, NYSTA Board Members Chris Pogge and Dominic Morales set up a display and informational booth at the annual New York State FFA Convention in Syracuse’s On-Center. Larry Cosh (Finch Golf/Turf Equipment) and Tyler Bloom were also on hand to support NYSTA’s efforts.  Over 2,000 students and over 250 Ag. Educators attended the Convention.

The focus for attending the two-day event was career awareness, introducing the new NYSTA Apprenticeship program, and begin interacting with students and Ag. Educator as possibilities to start a Pre-Apprenticeship program at the high school level.

Industry support enhanced efforts that highlighted career opportunities in the Turfgrass industry. Also, NYSTA’s effort to secure New York State TESF annual grant funding made this all possible.

Finch Turf displayed their new GPS technology sprayer, Grassland Equipment displayed Toro’s new all electric walk behind greens mower, and Toro’s new Outcross 9060 versatile utility vehicle. In addition, Finch and Grassland sponsored the purchase of Tee shirts as prizes and give aways for students and faculty.

SUNY-Delhi set-up a display booth adjacent to the NYSTA booth which highlights the educational opportunities and their partnership with NYSTA’s Apprenticeship program’s Related Instruction requirements. SUNY-Delhi also setup a mini turf bowl type contest for student participation. SUNY-Delhi will provide on-line courses that will eventually lead to obtaining an AAS degree.

To learn more about the initiative, please go to https://www.nysta.org/careers.html

About The Author

Tyler Bloom is the founder of Bloom Golf Partners. A former golf course superintendent and turf professional, Tyler’s love of all things golf began at the age of six when he stepped onto the course for the first time. 

Tyler has an Executive Certificate in Talent Acquisition from Cornell University and a degree in Turfgrass Science from Penn State University. With 20 years of experience in the golf and turfgrass industry, Tyler has worked directly with reputable club leaders at some of the most prestigious clubs to place over 100 professionals in executive and management level positions throughout the United States.

Are you ready to build a top-performing team that drives results? Our proven framework, methodologies, and implementation is based on our personal track record of developing world-class teams. In addition to talent acquisition, we provide leadership development and ongoing consultative services for the golf course and club industry. Our team has personally coached and mentored dozens of future golf course superintendents across the United States.